This page has been created to inform you of what information our website collects. We do not share data or personal information with any companies, organizations, or individuals outside of our company. We take security and the transmission of data online very seriously.

Whenever we collect information such as: Name, Email and Phone Number, that information is encrypted and transmitted to us in a secure manner using Secure Sockets Layer 🔒 (SSL) protocol. We advise you to not send credit card or other personal information through our contact form. Our company or anyone associated will never ask for this type of information via email.

Date: 19/05/2024

Last Update: 26/01/2019


We will use the information you provide including: Name, Email and Phone Number. When submitting our general contact form, found at the bottom of our home page, only to respond to your inquiry.


Cookie's are a small text file that is placed on your computer or browser as a tool to remember your preferences.


This website uses 'GA' by Google Analytics to track user activity on our website. Our company website developer uses Analytic reports to get a better understanding on the behavior and traffic on our website. This allows us to improve the functionality or user experience.

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